Fall-ing Into a Routine: A New Campus Normal
Student Spaces, Familiar Faces This fall has been one to remember. From virtual classes to physical distancing, University of Wisconsin-Madison students have tackled it all. But, our Wisconsin Union team, and in particular our student leaders, have stepped up to the plate to continue to provide our campus community with one-of-a-kind experiences and access to spaces they know, love and need. Since the spring, our team has worked...
How to Union in Fall 2020
Welcome back students, staff, and faculty! We are so excited to have you back in Memorial Union and Union South with us or enjoying our programming virtually. The Union looks a little bit different this year, from ordering through Grubhub at most dining options to reserving meeting spaces, we will share all the ways campus community members can use our buildings, services and programming this fall semester. As you may know, only...
Leading, Learning, and Growing during a Fall like No Other
What does community look like when we can’t all gather in-person? How can leadership, learning and connectivity happen when our campus community resides across the world rather than on campus? These questions and others about how to support the campus community during the COVID-19 pandemic arose as student leaders of the Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) began planning for fall 2020. What does community look like when we can’t...
A New Vibe on the Terrace: Our Pop Culture Campaign
You may have noticed a new vibe on the Terrace… one that pops. Our new pop culture-based Terrace messaging campaign highlights the excitement you feel at the Terrace with a new spin focusing on how to stay safe in light of COVID-19 at this space we all know and love. It all started when the Wisconsin Union Marketing team was tasked with coming up with a clever way to announce the Terrace summer reopening while educating our community...
Hoofers Adapt: What Accessibility Looks Like at the Wisconsin Union
Kathryn Bach and Megan Gray created Hoofers Adapt with one mission in mind: to advocate for access to nature and the outdoors. They lead Hoofers Adapt, a group of passionate advocates for accessibility and inclusion in outdoor pursuits at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. UW-Madison occupational therapy students Bach and Gray joined Hoofer Ambassadors in hopes of learning about inclusivity in outdoor programming. The Wisconsin...
Water We Up To?
After a 10-year break, the Hoofer Scuba Club is back in action planning annual remote winter break trips. With an excited group of young divers and the generous aid from a Hoofer Council Grant and the Wisconsin Union Director’s Fund, the Club successfully planned two remote winter break trips in the past year. In staying true to its mission, the Club hopes to expand into international waters and incorporate more citizen science diving...