Terrace Views
Behind the Scenes at the Union: Heather Good

Behind the Scenes at the Union: Heather Good

For some people, finding a calling in life can provide hard. But, for Heather Good, she knew by the age of nine, after being in a local production of “The Nutcracker”, that she had a love for the performing arts and that she would someday work in the field. She didn’t know where or how, but she knew she had to continue to spread the joy theater brings. Today, Heather serves as the assistant director of administration, outreach and...

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Behind the Scenes at the Union: Robin Schmoldt

Behind the Scenes at the Union: Robin Schmoldt

  What would the Wisconsin Union be without Robin Schmoldt? The advisor of two Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) committees, Schmoldt oversees all of the students in the WUD Art Committee and the WUD Film Committee. Schmoldt graduated from UW-Madison in 1997 and has been with the Union ever since. As the WUD Art Committee Advisor, Schmoldt walks students through the process of managing art exhibitions, while utilizing the...

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A Night in the Life: Summer Music Coordinators

A Night in the Life: Summer Music Coordinators

The Wisconsin Union team puts on live music performances almost every week of the year. Each time is different, but each time, it’s no small feat coordinating all that goes on into each show at Memorial Union and Union South. Terrace After Dark, a program led by the Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) Music Committee, provides the community with live music five nights a week during the months that don’t require an internal morale...

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Thank you, Jay Ekleberry, for 34 Years of Inspiration and Art

Thank you, Jay Ekleberry, for 34 Years of Inspiration and Art

The Wisconsin Union team said goodbye on July 13 to longtime Wheelhouse Studios Director Jay Ekleberry as he started his next journey: retirement. For 34 years, Jay has worked to spark creativity and share his passion for art with students, staff, and the community. While the Union team will no doubt miss him, Jay has left a legacy of creativity, innovation, wisdom and inspiration with us. “Jay’s legacy at Wheelhouse is that art...

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Student-Led Theater Season Features Wide Range of Performances

Student-Led Theater Season Features Wide Range of Performances

Student leaders are the heart of the Wisconsin Union. Whether it is planning a music festival or hosting a comedian, the Wisconsin Union Theater provides an outlet for creative expression. For the upcoming 2018-19 Wisconsin Union Theater Season, student leaders looked to create a lineup that will connect the community to performances by a wide range of performers.  These student leaders are part of the Wisconsin Union Directorate...

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Student Leadership at Wheelhouse Studios

Student Leadership at Wheelhouse Studios

  Throw on your art smock because we’re heading down to Wheelhouse Studios to meet the fantastic students who make it all possible. Wheelhouse Studios, located on the lower level at Memorial Union, is an art studio that is open to all but free for students and discounted for lifetime and annual Wisconsin Union members. Wheelhouse offers open studio time, special art events, a ceramics studio and even classes. From drawing and painting...

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