Free January Wallpaper and GIF
You know what your phone and computer could use? A little more Wisconsin Union. Our designers put their skills to work and created what we think are some of the most adorable and festive wallpaper options you can imagine. And we’re giving them to you. For free. Plus, we’re giving you a GIF for the New Year! It’s also Union-themed and sure to help you ring in the New Year in Terrace style. And this is just the...
5 Reasons Why You Won’t Want To Miss the Wisconsin Union Pop-Up Holiday Sale Dec. 10-12
We, at the Wisconsin Union, will offer a 30 percent discount on University of Wisconsin-Madison and Memorial Union Terrace merchandise and apparel at a pop-up holiday sale in Memorial Union’s Paul Bunyan Room Dec. 10-12, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. And we’re giving you five reasons why you’re going to want to check it out. Seriously cute merch and apparel. 1. Seriously cute merch and apparel “Oh my gosh, how cute,” is an excited declaration...
Welcome, Guest Vendor Buraka, to Union South
Please join us in welcoming temporary guest vendor Buraka to Union South! Oct. 23, 2019, through the end of the spring 2020 semester, the Williamson Street-based, Ethiopian restaurant will serve a limited menu of customer favorites, including coconut curry chicken, dorowot, chicken peanut stew, vegetarian peanut stew and misirwot. “We think customers will really enjoy Buraka’s cuisine,” Associate Director for Dining and Hospitality...
Mornings on Mendota Bring Family Fun and Science to the Terrace
Guests enjoy art projects during Mornings on Mendota July 13. The Wisconsin Union, in partnership with the Clean Lakes Alliance and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, invite you to Mornings on Mendota. Mornings on Mendota will bring family-friendly lake activities and education to the Memorial Union Terrace 10:30 a.m.-noon July 20 and July 27. Taking place right on the shore of Lake Mendota, this brand new, free event...
A (Campus) Staycation to Remember
Planning your next vacation? How about saving some traveling money, logistical headaches and time, and enjoy a campus staycation right here at the University of Wisconsin-Madison? With your staycation, there’s no need to check your luggage. No need to worry about how much conditioner you can bring on the plane. (3.4 ounces is just not enough. Seriously.) No need to plan how to entertain your family on a thousand-mile road trip. Your...