Terrace Views

WUD Film Features Family-Friendly Movies on the Memorial Union Terrace

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For all of our movie-loving members and guests, the Wisconsin Union now offers a second film series on the Memorial Union Terrace! The Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) Film’s Lakeside Family Cinema features a variety of fun, family-friendly movies, which WUD Film shows on select Sundays at 8:30 p.m.

The Lakeside Family Cinema films include “The Muppet Movie,” “Pokémon the Movie 2000,” “The Iron Giant” and “Zootopia.” Our guests can also enjoy $1 hot dogs, $1 sodas and $1 bags of chips on film nights.

WUD Film, a student committee at the Wisconsin Union, created this new program to allow more people to experience both the Terrace After Dark programming and the Wisconsin Union.

Stephen Parent, the WUD Film summer coordinator and a UW-Madison senior, is very excited about the introduction of the new Lakeside Family Cinema program. Parent said that not only does this series feature a variety of great movies for all ages but it also allows the committee to choose more mature movies for the main film series.

Parent hopes to see Lakeside Family Cinema not only return to the Terrace next summer, but also expand into a larger program that features even more family-friendly movies for our members and guests!

To learn more about Lakeside Family Cinema, please visit TerraceAfterDark.com.

Author: terraceviews-admin

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