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Welcome the New WUD Officers and Directors

We are pleased to announce that the Union Council has chosen the new Wisconsin Union Officers and Wisconsin Union Directorate committee directors. These student leaders will serve during the 2016-17 academic year. We are very excited to have them on board and look forward to working with them to accomplish their goals for the Wisconsin Union.

Wisconsin Union Officers:

Deshawn McKinney: Wisconsin Union President

Deshawn is a junior majoring in English with an emphasis in creative writing. He is also pursuing a certificate in African American Studies. He has held multiple positions within First Wave, is currently serving as the Great Lakes regional chair for the United States Student Association.

Adan Abu-Hakmeh: Vice President – Internal Relations

Adan is a sophomore majoring in Management and Human Resources and is pursuing a certificate in Art with an emphasis in metal sculpture and foundry. She is currently the social chair for WUD Film, works as a campus escort for SAFEWalk and is the first CEO of the Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity – Xi Chapter.

Lily Hansen: Vice President – External Relations

Lily is a junior majoring in Journalism and Environmental Studies with a certificate in digital studies. She is the managing editor and writer at “Her Campus UW,” the special events associate director for WUD Publications, an intern with the Jones Leadership Center, and a team member and writer for the Daily Cardinal.

WUD Committee Directors:

Alternative Breaks: Iffat Bhuiyan

Art: Yusi Liu

Distinguished Lecture Series: William Rosenthal

Film: James LaPierre

Global Connections: Swetha Saseedhar

Wisconsin Hoofers: TBD

Music: Halle Lukisch

Performing Arts: Folarin Ajibade

Publications: Victoria Fok

Society and Politics: Omar Jandal

To find out more about the WUD committees, visit https://union.wisc.edu/get-involved/wud/.

Author: Lilly Eggert

Lilly is a UW-Madison senior studying strategic communications and reporting in the Journalism school and is completing a certificate in digital studies. You will often find her studying or spending time with friends in the various nooks and crannies of Memorial Union with a heaping bowl of mocha macchiato Babcock ice cream.

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