Welcome, Susan Dibbell

Susan Dibbell, Deputy Director of the Wisconsin Union.
©UW-Madison University Communications
Meet Susan Dibbell ‘84, the new Deputy Director of the Wisconsin Union. Susan has been working at the Union for 28 years and was active on Wisconsin Union Directorate as a UW-Madison student. During her time at the Union, Susan has worked on a variety of projects including activating Union South as a social space by adding more recreational and educational programs and creating the Morgridge Center for Public Service.
Susan began her new position on January 1 and is looking forward to taking on new projects this year. She works in tandem with Wisconsin Union Director Mark Guthier and the rest of the leadership team. As she, other staff members at the Union and students put the finishing touches on the Memorial Union Reinvestment building project, she is gearing up to focus on strategic planning. Susan will lead the effort to conceptualize what the Wisconsin Union will be like in the next 10 to 20 years.
“We need to be thinking about how we position ourselves on campus, making certain that students come back here and use our facilities, and that they understand what the Union is,” Susan said.
One of Susan’s favorite aspects of her job is working with the student volunteers and employees. She loves helping students visualize opportunities here at the Union and turn them into reality. Looking forward to warmer weather, Susan is ready to see a final product of the Memorial Union Reinvestment.
“I am really excited about the Terrace reopening. This neighborhood is going to feel really different next fall and people are going to be excited for Memorial Union and the Terrace to be back,” Susan said.