Terrace Views

Union Doors Display Winter Wonderland

Around all the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holiday season, some of the departments in Memorial Union decided to hold a door decorating contest to have a little fun before we all go home for the holidays. It was a winter wonderland showdown and the winning door will receive prizes for their department. Check out photos of all the doors and let us know who you gets your winning vote in the comments section!

Accounting Office


With a monetary spin on the holiday tree, the Accounting Office channeled what they know best, money! And no tree is complete without a Terrace sunburst star on top.

Campus Events Services Office


You can’t walk past CESO without noticing this cute snowman, made entirely out of glittery Wisconsin Union cups!

Director’s Office


The Director’s Office went all out with snowflakes and a winter scene, complete with student and staff employees sharing their favorite thing about the holidays.

Marketing Office


With the best graphic skills in town, the Marketing staff transformed into Santa’s little helpers, and shared some of their favorite “Elf” movie quotes.

Wisconsin Union Directorate Office


WUD had an interactive twist on their door, where you could channel your inner reindeer or snowman as part of a winter wonderland photo booth.


And the winner is… Campus Event Services and their Union cup snowman! Who got your vote? Share in the comments section below!

Author: terraceviews-admin

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