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New column ‘Hidden Treasures’ will share stories from Union’s past

By Emily Connor, UW-Madison journalism major

Wisconsin Union staff have been helping construction crews each week pack up the hallways and rooms of some of the Union’s favorite spaces. It’s all in preparation for the Memorial Union Reinvestment construction and while temporarily parting ways with some of the Union’s favorite places may be tough, packing up has brought many happy surprises.

Watch to see how packing up for MUR has brought back memories and treasures to the Union.


Photos, notes, messages, artifacts and countless other pieces of Union history have been uncovered, and we’re eager to share each piece we find in our new column, Hidden Treasures.

Messages from behind the Paul Bunyan mural

In this first installment of the column, we are sharing two notes found while packing up the murals in the Paul Bunyan room.

card from 1940s Paul Bunyan Room

These notes used to adorn the tables of the Paul Bunyan room during the WWII era when the Union rushed to feed more than 2,000 Army and Navy personnel daily.

old newspaper clipping found in Paul Bunyan room

To see more stories and photos from the Memorial Union Reinvestment (MUR), visit the MUR website and check out the Wisconsin Union Facebook page.

Author: terraceviews-admin

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