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Meet the Wisconsin Union Chairlings!

Wisconsin Union's Chairlings in a bed reminiscent of the "Powerpuff Girls" bed.

Introducing…the Wisconsin Union Chairlings! These cute green, orange and yellow Terrace chair-inspired characters have appeared on our social media platforms for the past couple of years. Now, it is finally their moment to shine! Their names pay homage to the Terrace chair colors, Wisconsin symbols and unique personalities, as determined by a Wisconsin Union Buzzfeed quiz released in January 2021.


Characters are referred to as “Chairlings” in a similar way one might refer to a baby duck as a “duckling!” According to Merriam Webster, the suffix “-ling” is defined as, “one connected with or having the quality of,” or alternatively, “young, small, or inferior one.”

Combining the word “Chair” with the suffix “-ling” to create “Chairling” effectively describes the origins and qualities of the character; Chairlings originate from Terrace chairs and retain similar aspects, such as their colors and sunburst-shaped bodies.


Without further ado, here are our three amazing Chairlings!

The John Deere Green Chairling
Name: Maple Fields
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Green Chairling (Maple Fields) holding a Terrace Chair

Maple: “Maple” pays homage to the Wisconsin state tree, the sugar maple. The sugar maple was first selected as the state tree by a vote of Wisconsin school children in 1893 and later re-elected as the state symbol in 1948.

Fields: “Fields” is inspired by the Terrace chair color, John Deere Green. More specifically, “Fields” represents the farm fields that John Deere equipment has worked on for generations.

Just as Wisconsinites have been loyal to the sugar maple and farming practices for more than a century, Maple Fields values loyalty and upholding traditions! She knows what is important to her in life, and fiercely pursues these endeavors day in and day out.

The Allis Chalmers Orange Chairling
Name: Colby Miller
Pronouns: he/him/his

Orange Chairling, Colby Mills, hugging a heart.

Colby: Did you know that Colby cheese was invented in Colby, Wis.? This Chairling, just like the cheese he was named after, is a bright orange.

Miller: This Chairling’s last name pays homage to its Allis Chalmer Orange color and symbolizes the milling equipment that Allis Chalmers manufactures.

Colby Miller is adventurous and strives to live in the moment. He’s always ready to try something new—especially new foods and outdoor activities!

The Sunshine Yellow Chairling
Ray Laken
Pronouns: they/them/theirs

Yellow Chairling, Laken Ray, waving a three leaf clover.

Ray Laken’s name was created by followers of the Wisconsin Union’s social media accounts! On Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14, 2022), users were asked to submit their suggestions to help name the Chairling.

Ray: Ray represents their Sunshine Yellow color, in addition to the rays of sun our community members, students and visitors enjoy during the best season—Terrace season.

Laken: Laken celebrates Madison’s four lakes: Mendota, Monona, Waubesa and Kegonsa.

Ray Laken is a source of positivity and happiness. They find joy in the small things and always bring a smile to everyone’s face with their optimistic attitude.


Our community did an incredible job submitting suggestions and made our decision difficult!

Some honorable mentions include but are not limited to:

  • Sunny
  • Minny
  • Nugget
  • Peabody
  • Kringle
  • Starlight
  • Shine

Additionally, we loved the creativity expressed in the names related to the word “chair”! Examples include:

  • Chairlie Brown
  • Chairmander
  • Chair Bear


We promise, you’ll be seeing more of the Chairling Trio in the future! Who’s to say what’s on their plate next, but for now:

  1. Find out what color Chairling you are.
  2. Download our March 2022 Wallpapers for free!

Author: Isabel Finn

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