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Hoofer memories: a snowy adventure in the Michigan Upper Peninsula

Story by Brittany Rathsack as told by Katie Klinger


In February 2010, members of the Hoofers Ski and Snowboard (SnS) club decided to support the UW Madison Men’s Hockey team while enjoying some club activities. Three members of SnS, Brittney Rathsack, Kyle Olsen and Paul Davidsaver, traveled to Mt. Bohemia in the Michigan Upper Peninsula to watch the UW hockey team play against Michigan Tech. The group planned to spend some time skiing as well.

The group enjoyed two great Badger hockey games and then proceeded to stay in a yurt, a traditional fur covered hut, on a hill that night. They were able to ski and spend time on a mountain near Michigan Tech as well.

Although Kyle somehow contracted food poisoning (yikes!), they drove for an hour though snow, sleet and wind up the mountain in a blizzard! Like true Badgers, the three skiers trekked a mile to the Three Bears tavern for a night filled of fun activities. At the end of the night, they even got to drive snowmobiles.

All three of the members decided it was a great time and a trip they would never forget. Their snowy adventure marked the beginning of a winter Hoofers tradition. The Hoofers Ski and Snowboard club often takes their own trip as a whole in the winter months just like the adventure Brittney, Kyle and Paul experience. Other Hoofer members are welcome to join as well. All of the group members agreed Hoofers has given them a home on campus where they have developed great skills and established lifelong friendships.

For more information on Hoofers events, visit the Hoofers website.

Katie Klinger is a member of Hoofers and works as the Hoofer Council Historian for the organization. She is a sophomore at UW Madison studying elementary education with a minor in English and language arts.

Author: terraceviews-admin

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