Terrace Views

Favorite Union Memory Response

In last month’s Terrace Views Newsletter, we asked you to send in your favorite spot or memories at the Wisconsin Union. With so many great responses, we wanted to share with you our favorite answer in this month’s Terrace Views issue. 

Kris Johnsen (BS Physics, ‘07) recollects time spent at Memorial Union’s old LGBT Campus Center:

“The place in the Wisconsin Union that I have the most memories from is the old LGBT Campus Center in the Memorial Union. I spent years there, first attending the lesbian and bi women’s weekly discussion group as a sophomore, then as a volunteer my junior year. I was then employed as the Office Assistant as a senior and finally served a year as the very last student Director as a 5th year Senior. After a year away attending UW-Milwaukee, I came back to Madison and spent some time at the LGBTCC helping to teach facilitator training around trans issues. Some of my best relationships from my college days were a result of my time at the LGBTCC, especially my relationship with Sara Hinkel, the DoS LGBT Issues Coordinator during that time.”

We want to thank everyone who sent in a response or photo — we love hearing about how much you love the Wisconsin Union! Be sure to look for more opportunities to share your fondest memories about the Union in the future issues of Terrace Views.

Author: Haley Mades

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