The Travel Adventure series: A piece of Madison history
By Erin Bannen and Emily Connor In a global technological society where Skyping a friend in Italy and watching a Youtube video of the Libyan protests are commonplace, it might seem that the Wisconsin Union Theater’s Travel Adventure Series is obsolete. These days, learning about a different culture may be only one click away on the Internet. The Travel Adventure Series has given audiences multicultural experiences for over 50 years....
In the spotlight: a musical double life
Brooke Jackson needs a personal assistant as much as anyone ever has. On what is supposed to be a quiet summer morning, she rushes to her interview straight from another meeting, bringing with her the undeniable energy that usually accompanies her presence, and Marcel, the miniature Chihuahua who usually does not. Today is not exactly a normal day for Jackson. Marcel has just been to the vet, and therefore gets to spend the day with...
Enjoying the summer heat
As I write this on the morning of July 1st, all of us at the Memorial Union are bracing for the afternoon heat – expected to exceed 100 degrees with the heat index. It certainly brings new meaning to our annual “Hot Summer Nights” promotion for what’s happening on the Memorial Union Terrace, which is now in full swing. I hope you’ve already had the chance to attend some of our events and are making plans to attend a few more before...
Ghost towns mini course
Ranging from the classical to the experimental to the political, the Wisconsin Union Theater 2011-2012 line-up truly reflects its history. In the final season before the theater goes dark for two years of renovations, an award-winning, international group of performers promises to fill one of the theater’s most important goals: to bring cultural enrichment to the students and faculty of UW Madison. This year’s Concert Series showcases...
An artistic tour of Union South
Union South is truly a special place. Along with the innovative design of the building itself, a myriad of local artistry, generous donations, and student dedication helped bring artistic touches to every corner of the building. The Union’s many works of art and the stories behind them could fill a book, but below we highlight just a few of the most prominent installations and the people that made them happen. A recurring naturalistic...
Recap of Union South opening weekend
Grand opening video filmed and edited by Capture House Video. The huge orange ribbon waited patiently until just noon on April 15. In a rush, it was cut multiple times and more than 2,000 students, faculty, staff, and Union members hurried in to discover the wonder that is the new Union South. Without exception, jaws dropped as guests moved quickly throughout the building, exploring every nook and cranny they could reach. Exclamations...