Terrace Views

Blue chairs on the Terrace?

By Sean Drout, Wisconsin Union social media intern

Party @ The Terrace was truly a memorable event. As a senior here at UW-Madison, I’ve seen many events at this great venue, but the orange, yellow and green Terrace chairs have always been a constant and comforting symbol of summer’s arrival.

Hence the confusion and curiosity when I arrived early Sunday, April 29 to find bright BLUE chairs carefully placed among the traditional furniture. Why now were they changing the iconic palette of my favorite place on campus?

After hearing the big news would be revealed at 2pm, I decided to stay for the day and join in the activities. News traveled fast, and the Terrace began to fill with hundreds of students, Union members and Madison families. We enjoyed everything from arts and crafts to trivia games. My favorite was dipping my thumb into blue ink and placing it on a poster, letting me leave my own “blueprint” for the next 100 years.

Then came the press conference. Wisconsin Union Director Mark Guthier informed the audience of the meaning behind the blue chairs. The Mendota Blue Movement, a campaign run in collaboration with the UW Credit Union, would help raise money to support the Memorial Union Reinvestment.

As you may know, the Memorial Union hasn’t undergone a comprehensive restoration since it was completed in 1928, and the Memorial Union Reinvestment  is our way of trying to preserve the memories and traditions of the 84 years the Memorial Union has been our home on campus, and to build a strong foundation for the next 100 years.

As the event was wrapping up, I couldn’t help but reflect on the many purposes the Terrace served in the just the past four hours of my time here at UW-Madison. If the Terrace, just one component of the Memorial Union, was this important, it was clearly a necessity to revive this building. The Reinvestment will ensure future generations can enjoy the Terrace and the rest of Memorial Union as much as I did that day.

You can join the Mendota Blue Movement to allow future generations to enjoy the Union you know and love by making a donation. When you give between $75 and $149, you will receive a special “Mendota Blue” keychain. When you give between $150 and $999, you will receive a miniature “Mendota Blue” chair. For a donation of $1,000 and every $1,000 afterward, you will receive one of the actual blue Terrace chairs on the Terrace right now. However, any amount that you can donate is appreciated.

Check out a photo album of the day’s event on our Facebook page.

See the chairs for yourself on our Terrace webcam!


Sean Drout is an intern in the Wisconsin Union marketing department. He also works as a student manager for the UW-Madison women’s basketball team. Sean is a senior double majoring in statistics and economics.

Author: terraceviews-admin

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