Terrace Views

A Beginner’s Guide to Stand Up Paddleboard


The weather’s hot, the Terrace is packed with people and we can’t wait to tackle every summertime activity we can think of. First up, stand up paddleboard (SUP). As one of Outdoor UW’s hottest rentals, stand up paddleboarding can seem a bit daunting to new timers. But have no fear, with the help of Outdoor UW staff we have put together a step-by-step guide for a beginning boarder.

Last week, I had the opportunity to try stand up paddleboarding myself. As a first-time paddle boarder, Outdoor UW staff member Tommy Lindeman showed me the ropes.

Getting ready for the water

1. Strap on your life jacket

Safety first, folks!

2. Size your paddle

When you get your paddle, it is important to have it at the right size. In order to do that, raise your hand above your head and adjust the paddle’s length by using the notches on the side to eventually have the handle hit the base of your wrist. Outdoor UW staff member Phillip helped me out.


3. Practice steering your paddle

When using your paddle, try practicing on land before you hop on the board to get a better feel. Hold the paddle with both hands shoulder-width apart and steer the paddle across your body. When using the paddle, the face of the blade should be facing you as you pull towards the water. For more in-depth information on the paddle, click here.


4. Grab your board and get ready for the water!

Getting up on the board

1. Prepare to get on the board

When you get on your board, first you need to put the paddle parallel on the board and wrap the board’s strap around your ankle of choice.


2. Get on the board

To get on the board, start by getting on the center of the board by putting your hands and knees between the paddle. Next, use your paddle to push yourself farther out in the water while on your knees.


3. Stand up

After you have gotten farther out in the water, take your paddle and put it perpendicular to your board and use it to push yourself up into a standing position. It is easier than it looks, I got up without a problem!


Make sure your feet are on either side of the center of the board–which is usually near the board’s handle!


Paddling out on the water


When you want to turn, you can either use a sweeping curve motion on the outer side of your board to turn a gentle left or right. To turn left, you sweep the water in a curve motion on the right side of your board from the tip of your board to the bottom. To turn right, do the same motion but on the left side of your board.

For a quicker turn, you can turn the blade of the paddle to face away from you and sweep from back to front. However, when you want to turn left you do this motion on the left side of your board, vice versa for the right. This motion can also help you if you want to move backwards.



To stop, simply place the paddle in the water on either side of the board with the blade’s curve facing away from you.

If you fall off…

It’s relatively simple to get back on! Simply grab the opposite side of the center of the board with one hand:


Pull yourself into a sitting position and get on your knees:


And stand up how you normally would:

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Getting off the board

To get off the board, simply kneel on the board as you get closer to shore and sit down to get off. Or, if you need to cool off, jump off into the water for a dip!

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There you have it, if you follow these instructions, you’ll be a master stand up paddleboarder in no time–just like me! Just kidding, but with practice, who knows?


Make sure to check out Outdoor UW this summer for rentals, classes and more! For more information on Outdoor UW, click here.

Think you are ready to tackle the stand up paddleboarding scene? Share your thoughts, comments and stories below!

Author: terraceviews-admin

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